100My of Ocean Carbonates

100My of Ocean Carbonates in Paleocoordinates

dbSEABED can be used for large-scale data analysis. Here a sedimentological attribute (carbonate) of the DSDP, ODP, IODP and many other deep-time samples is plotted in Paleocoordinates through 100My. This allows the actual core data to be viewed in terms of true paleo-latitudes and longitudes - that is, exactly by paleogeography and paleoceanography.

(Top, bottom panels are Continent-Ocean Boundaries at present and 100Ma ago. The tracklines show the plate tectonic paths represented by individual cores. The color of points represent the percentages of carbonate at each paleolatitude, paleolongitude, and age. Composed in Summer 2014 for the Deep Carbon Observatory project and ESIP (poster). We acknowledge the contribution of the GPlates facility, thanks.)